YouTube Hacks for Brands

YouTube has created 7 hacks for viewers to upgrade their viewing experience on YouTube. Well, we think there should be the hacks for brands to get the most out of their channels and fulfil their marketing goals.

From optimising metadata to leveraging playlists, check out all our hacks to see how to you can get the most out of your brand's YouTube channel. 

1.     Optimise Video Titles and Descriptions for SEO:

  • Use relevant keywords in your video titles and descriptions to improve searchability.

  • Make sure your titles are compelling and concise, encouraging clicks.

  • In descriptions, include a summary of the video, relevant keywords, and links to your website or social media.

  • Use timestamps to highlight key points in longer videos.

2.     Utilise YouTube Analytics for Insights:

  • Regularly check YouTube Analytics to understand viewer behaviour and engagement.

  • Track metrics like watch time, audience demographics, and traffic sources.

  • Use this data to refine your content strategy, focusing on what works best for your audience. For example, if tutorials get more engagement than product reviews, create more tutorial content.

3.     Leverage Playlists to Keep Viewers Engaged:

  • Organise your videos into themed playlists to make it easier for viewers to find and watch related content.

  • Playlists can increase watch time by encouraging viewers to continue watching related videos.

  • Ensure that your playlists are optimised with descriptive titles and relevant keywords to improve discoverability.

4.     Engage with Your Audience Through Community Posts and Comments:

  • Use YouTube’s Community tab to post updates, polls, behind-the-scenes content, and engage directly with your audience outside of video uploads.

  • Respond to comments on your videos to build a connection with viewers and foster a loyal community.

  • Pin important or insightful comments to highlight key discussions and show appreciation for your engaged viewers.

Although we've outlined just four hacks that every brand can implement to boost their video content on YouTube, these tips provide a strong foundation for a brand channel. Get in touch to discover how we can help you get your videos discovered, reach more audiences, and elevate your YouTube strategy to the next level. If you have any questions on any aspects of YouTube, come and have a chat with us 👉

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