Why Choose YouTube

Before we can delve into the world of YouTube SEO and the benefits this can have on the reach and engagement of your video content, it is sometimes helpful to step back and reflect on why we believe YouTube is the perfect platform for brands in the first place.

It can be fashionable to anchor your marketing strategy in the newest and shiniest social platform. However, ignoring the digital stalwarts can have a detrimental effect on how far your video content can reach.
Here are our top 7 reasons why every brand, big, small and in-between, need to focus on YouTube within their marketing strategy.

1. Maximise your audience reach:

YouTube is the second most visited website globally, with over 2.7 billion logged-in monthly users. It is estimated that users watch over 1 billion hours of video each day on the platform. *Global Media Insights

2. Reach customers across the world:

YouTube is available in over 100 countries and 80 different languages, allowing brands to reach a global audience. 60% of a creator’s views come from outside their home country. *YouTube Blog

3. Increase brand awareness through video:

90% of video marketers say video has helped them increase brand awareness and helped them increase web traffic.  *Wyzowl Video Marketing Statistics 2024.

4. Drive more purchases:

YouTube is extremely effective at driving sales. Google revealed that 90% of people surveyed around the world say they discover new brands or products on YouTube. This clearly demonstrates its powerful role in influencing consumer behaviour and its potential to convert viewers into customers*Think with Google      

5. Achieve higher visibility in search results:

Videos are 50 times more likely to get organic page ranks in Google than plain text results. YouTube videos often appear in the top search results, giving brands a significant SEO advantage. *markitors.com

6. Multiple formats equal deeper engagement:

YouTube offers a diverse range of content formats, including Shorts, long-form videos, Premieres, live streams, and podcasts, catering to a wide array of viewer preferences. This versatility allows brands to engage different segments of their audience effectively, ensuring content reaches and resonates with as broad a demographic as possible. *​ blog.youtube.

7. Create and build a community:

YouTube fosters community engagement, with 79% of multicultural viewers say that they seek out content on YouTube that makes them feel more connected.  Engaged communities are more likely to become loyal customers. *Think with Google

In conclusion, YouTube's unparalleled reach and versatility make it an essential part of any brand's marketing strategy. Ignoring the potential of YouTube in favour of newer platforms could mean missing out on valuable opportunities to enhance visibility and influence consumer behaviour.

We believe all brands should embrace YouTube as a central pillar of their digital marketing strategy - it’s not just advisable, but essential for sustained brand growth and success.
If you have any questions on any aspects of YouTube, come and have a chat with us 👉 hello@navigatevideo.com

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