The role of YouTube in the marketing funnel
Navigate Video - YOUTUBE ESSENTIALS: The role of YouTube in the marketing funnel
What role does YouTube play in the marketing funnel?
There is no ‘one’ marketing model that marketers will hang their hat on – new technology and changes in consumer behaviour has seen our thinking evolve. In recent years, linear funnels that work to a structure of ‘top, middle and bottom of the sales process’ have been superseded by other models, notably the idea of a consumer decision journey incorporating a loyalty loop (McKinsey) and more recently, Google’s Messy Middle which identifies ‘a complex space between triggers and purchase, where customers are won and lost’.
Regardless of which model is used, most funnels and loops share similar components. Ultimately, Navigate Video believe that YouTube is a platform which can support EVERY stage of the marketing funnel / loop, moving consumers from a passive state to conversion and beyond:
Awareness / exposure: Aside from YouTube advertising, brand building can be delivered by optimised YouTube content that appears in response to a search term
Exploration and consideration / evaluation: Can be met through ‘suggested videos’, playlists and product / service experience reviews
Conversion: Can be encouraged by linking video through to product pages. Excitingly, the (probable) Shopify integration will likely also turn YouTube into an e-commerce hub
Customer loyalty / retention: Can be encouraged through content that is made available to those interested in the purchased brand, including subscribers. This might be videos about how to get the best from a product which a customer has already bought, or information on new products
Buyer advocacy: Can be observed in user generated content.
Given its potential as a hub for delivering at every stage of the marketing funnel / loop, it’s astonishing that YouTube is often overlooked in the marketing mix.
Need help?
We are YouTube experts who will help manage, integrate, optimise, amplify and evaluate your YouTube content and channel, ensuring you reach the right audience and drive high quality engagement and action rates. Get in touch to find out how we can help with your YouTube marketing strategy: